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Corporate Responsibility

ToxServices is continuously looking for new ways to become more sustainable economically, socially, and environmentally while also promoting and growing our current business investments, activities, and logistics.

In support of this policy, our aims are to:

  • Integrate environmental considerations into our activities, operations, and decision-making processes.
  • Use materials, where possible, from sustainable sources through suppliers conforming to ISO:14001 or similar programs.
  • Minimize the use of resources (materials and energy) and ensure waste is reduced, reused, or recycled, if possible, and disposed of appropriately if not.
  • Ensure all employees and contractors are aware of this policy and supply training so our employees can take personal responsibility for the impact their actions may have on the environment.
  • Meet, or exceed where possible, the requirements of relevant regulations ensuring our practice and the advice offered to our clients is in accordance with the latest and most up-to-date information.