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ToxFMD Screened Chemistry®

ToxServices’ Full Material Disclosure (ToxFMD) Screened Chemistry® is ToxServices’ flagship program for evaluating chemical formulations and conducting product stewardship audits.

ToxServices is accredited by the ZDHC to verify conformance with ZDHC MRSL v. 3.1 Levels 1, 2, and 3 requirements.  ToxFMD® is used by brands around the world to eliminate chemicals of concern.

ToxFMD® Level 1, 2, and 3 are equivalent to ZDHC MRSL v. 3.1 Level 1, 2, and 3.

Chemicals from across the textile, clothing, leather, footwear, and electronics manufacturing supply chains can be assessed by ToxFMD®.

There are three levels of ToxFMD® assessment:

ToxFMD® Level 1 evaluation: This assessment is designed to assess hazards and MRSL level conformance of a formulation.
ToxFMD® Level 2 evaluation: This assessment is designed to verify through an on-site audit, that systems are place to minimize the release of hazardous chemicals to environment (air, water, soil), that health and safety practices are in place to protect workers, and that formulators have in place programs to manage raw material suppliers, including assessing raw material vendors for quality and chemical management systems.
ToxFMD® Level 3 evaluation: A ToxFMD® Level 3 evaluation encompasses the assessment of a Level 1 and Level 2 evaluation, along with evaluation of the client’s expertise in Chemical Hazard Assessment (CHA) and chemical optimization.

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